Canada greeted almost 82 thousand overseas students in the year 2008 which is the highest number of incoming foreign students entered on Canada Student Visa in the past 10 years. Though, it is not much sufficient for Minister Kenney, when monitored Canada against Australia which brings in 10 times more undergraduate and graduate students from India. Minister Kenney added that Canada is looking towards Asia in addition to India for prospective students.
He has not up till now defined exact targets of incoming foreign students, but has been noting down the significance of foreign students and the explanation why enhancement of incoming foreign students is justified. So the people who apply for student visa of Canada have the option, during their studies inside Canada, to get familiar with Canada's labor market along with putting themselves on a quicker path to immigrate to Canada in the course of the recently started “Canadian Experienced Class”.
Minister Kenney also stated “We like the Canada Student Visa applications which later on become Canadian Experience Class for the reason that we can get youth who have done qualification in Canada, have enhanced language skills, have previously done the majority of the difficult tasks towards economic integration, and don't have any foreign degree obstacles to prevail over. These are ideal applicants for Permanent Residence and economic emigrants to Canada."
During past years, Canada became a more attractive target for persons looking to study abroad. This is because of improved sponsorship efforts abroad by Canadian educational institutions together with changes in immigration system over some past years.
I have appled for Canadian Immigrtion in 2008 but rejected on medical grounds 2 times.
Can someone guide me that whether i apply for canada student visa this year or not
Please guide me
Dear Anonymous,
CHC can guide ou more accurately in your case
i have overall 7 band in ielts can i get addmission in canadian university
My SSC GPA 3.63(without 4th subject) and HSC GPA is 3.4.Can I apply for student visa in Canada
yes,u will get admission with ielts 6 and u get visa also with 6 overall score in ielts
The applicant don't have IELTS.What are other options?
hi im indian but now still student in cyprus ( EU ) can i possible to apply any college in canada
Dear surinder singh,
Y not. you can apply any time
The applicant don't have IELTS may take TOEFL. You have to appear in at least one english test
Hi,I am student of MIST.I am studying Bsc in CSE (4th year).Upto this my cgpa is 3.7.I want to do my Msc in Canadian universities.But i dont know anything about how i can do this?Can u suggest me what to do and what is the total process?
hello, i have given ielts academic exam, n i have scored L=6,R=5,W=5.5,S=6 overall=5.5, can i got admission in canadian college under spp??
I am a student of FIA.& start my CAT after matric.Can i got admission in any Canadian collage for ACCA?
hi i did B TECH i have ielts overall 7 band can i get admission into canadian universitys like ubc and york universitys
hi i gt over all 5 band can i get admission
its very hard
ielts is not the only standard to get admission in a canadian university. There are numerous other factors
I got 5.5 in IELTS will i get the admission in canada
i got overall 6 bands and i have done bcs and my file was rejected 2 times ; wht should i do???????? how can i study in canada
Improve your ielts score. Can you please tell your rejection reasons?
siur i m student of b.com final student i go canada for post graduate courses can u tell me nw wt u doing me..apriel my graduation complete
Hello Sir,
i have completed my btech with 64% in 2011, but i got 6
band overall (L- 6.5 , R- 5.0, W-5.5, S-6 ) ..can i apply for pg
course in college of canada .plz reply
hello sir,
i have done my 12th in non-medical stream with 64% marks.
but i got 6 band in ielts can i apply for canada for my next studies.plz...reply sir i want your advice...
i have 60% in btech...i want to apply for masters in canada...wat should be my ielts band to get admission in a good university..
I'm Bangladeshi.I have completed my Graduation.My Subject was Finance & Banking. Now I Want to MBA with CFA Course in Canadian School of Business. But i donot Know anything about how i can do this?
Can u suggest me what to do & What is the total process?
I have applied for my parents PR. I have received email from CIC regarding the medicals and police clearance certificate. They are currently is US and before coming here, they had done their medical by registered practiioner approved by CIC in India, so is that medical report good enough or the medicals have to be done again?
Can you please guide me?
i am from Pakistan.I have done F.s.c. I have got 5.5 bands.Can i apply for student visa in Canada.
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