Resume writing tips for job in Canada

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Vs Resume :

A resume is a brief, to the point document that represents you, and efficiently sells yours most appropriate and constructive qualifications for employment in Canada, admittance to graduate school of Canada, deliberation for a fellowship or, scholarship or other professional purpose.
A vita, or curriculum vita, is a more widespread document usually used by those with graduate schooling who are looking for positions in academic world or research.


What an effective resume or CV can do for you?

An effective resume reward you an interview, not an employment. An employer will generally spend 15 to 20 seconds reviewing your resume or Curriculam Vitae. So the content of your resume must be apparent, to the point, and targeted to the nature of job for which you are applying.
If your resume has a typing or grammatical mistakes, it will most likely resulted in skip off the page by an employer, and this is a way to throw you out of a candidate pool. Your resume may be the only possibility you get to make an impression, so make it an excellent one.


Resume writing for a Canadian Company:

There is the concept that only those who have a lot of money, a high education and good work experience are eligible to go to Canada. That is not accurately true! A simple graduate can find a job in Canada. But it always starts with an excellent resume.

Canadian job market has its own standards when it comes to resume writing. The way a job seeker writes a resume should depend on the target company. Of course it is going to a Canadian Company, it should follow the standard that Canadian companies want to see and want to see a resume, or else, it will end up in a trash.

Canadian employers always like simple resume. Preferably, it should have 2-3 pages. If you are sending your resume electronically i.e. by email remember that always send your resume in MS word (.doc) format. Other formats can cause your CV not to open at employer’s PC.

Another advice to make your CV is that you do not use the built in templates of MS Word but try to make your resume format unique.

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  1. These are great tips for a job in Canada. I am a bew landed immigrant and your blog helped me a lot

  2. Great advice for Canadians, specifically the new immigrants. Impressed
