Business Invitation Letter for Canadian Visa

This page will provide you with the guidelines and a Sample Letter of Invitation for Canadian Business Visa.

According to official website of CIC, Canadian companies have to write a letter of invitation when they invite business visitors from overseas. There might be a number of Business visitors such as trade show or conference visitors, partners, potential buyers, investors, or workers or business partners coming for training at Canada.

Please keep in mind that a letter of invitation does not assure that a visa will be issued. Visa officers evaluate individual business visa applicants to determine if they are entitled to visit Canada. Some Canadian High Commissions or visa offices might require these letters to be notarized.

It is obligatory that a spokesperson of the company must write the letter of invitation for Canadian Business Visa. Some firms have specific people who sign letters of invitation. Your company should send

Your letter of invitation for Canadian business visitor visa must be written on your company’s official letterhead. In addition, the visitor must possess two originals of letter of invitation in order to
1.    Submit to CHC when applying for their business visa
2.    Present to the immigration official at the port of entry when enter Canada

A business visitor Visa might take a long time for processing so ensure to leave sufficient time for your visitor’s visa to be processed. 


Sample Letter of Invitation for Canadian Business Visitor Visa

Jane Doe
Senior Manager (Customer Relations)
ABC Company
32 Example Street
Oshawa, ON S6C 9E1
(999) 999-9999
Jane @ email . com

January 3, 2012

The Visa Officer
Canadian High Commission, New Delhi

Re: Canadian Business Visitor Visa for Mr. John Smith

Dear Sir / Madam:

We are pleased to invite Mr. John Smith to visit Canada in order to join us in our annual conference.

Mr. John is the Chief Executive Officer of ABC’s Company Chapter in India and we have been doing business jointly since March 2001. I know Mr. John Smith personally and have met him during my visit of India.

Mr. John’s complete particulars are as under
·         Date of birth: 01 June, 1968
·         Company: ABC Company, Indian Chapter, New Delhi India
·         Designation: Chief executive Officer
·         Address: 58 Example Street, New Delhi India
·         Contact # Work: +91-654-123-4567
·         Phone # Home: +91-652-123-7654

He will stay with us from 01-02-2012 to 05-03-2012. Our Company will bear all of his travelling, lodging and living expenses in Canada.

ABC Company is dealing in all kinds of consumer products in Canada and all over the world. We were incorporated in May 11, 1988 by the joint efforts of … [Write a short description of the company’s business line.]

ABC Company’s information as under
·         Company’s Name: ABC Company
·         Headquarters address: 32 Example Street, Oshawa, ON S6C 9E1
·         Website: www. abc-company . com

Please issue a Business Visitor Visa to Mr. John Smith so that we will be able to expand our joint venture in Indian and South Asian market.


Jane Doe
Senior Manager (Public relations)
ABC Company

1 comment:

  1. Perfect Letter. This helped me writing my letter
