US Visit Visa Interview Tips

The following post will provide you with a detailed idea and tips of the US visa interview and how to get ready for it. This article is composed assume that the US Visit Visa applicants are parents or parents-in-law of persons previously in the U.S.

The visa interview has individual and accordingly changeable factors involved in whether your visa application gets established or rejected.

Consular officers would actually like to see that interviewees are truthful, stay for the authorized period and come back on time after that. They would not desire anyone to stay unlawfully in the U.S. Although the U.S. is a country of immigrants, it does not mean that any person can enter the country for any reason.

A lot of people don't know the fundamental rules of US Visitor Visa. Several are not aware of the punishment for breaking the rules. If you obtain a business visa of the USA, it does not mean you can depart to the USA and begin your company over there. If you obtain a 10 year multiple entry visa of USA, it does not signify that you can reside in the USA for 10 years. A 10 year multiple entry visa means you can depart to the U.S. anytime inside next 10 years. For every visit, your authentic stay will be determined by the date embossed in the I-94 form at the port of entrance. It is typically 6 months. You can make longer your stay up to another 6 months.

US Visit Visa Interview Tips

Following are some useful tips of US Visit Visa interview. Adhere to these tips while preparing for interview of US Visit Visa

1.            Be dressed in formal clothes as if for an official business meeting. The meeting officer will always be a Native American (the interpreter if required may be of your country). Preferably the man should be dressed in a tie. Americans always be pleased regarding formal clothing, so they will not discover you over-dressed if you wear a tie.

2.            Reach your destination early. You would not like to miss your US Visit Visa interview just for the reason that you got jammed in traffic.

3.            Do not get anxious. Be positive. You will be more confident if you have equipped methodically. Smile when you get together the visa officer for the first time. Don't show signs of anxiety for instance flickering of eyes, shaky of fingers as that could go not in favor of you. Look into the eyes of the officer at the same time as speaking.

4.            Both candidates should welcome the officer with a smile and a "good morning", as soon as you go into the interview booth.

5.            Both candidates are supposed to have a positive attitude and look at the interviewing officer straight in the eyes all through the interview.

6.            Be certain in your answers, no matter what you say. Make little, clear, succinct replies, in a loud and apparent voice. Do not tell anything that is inappropriate or not asked. By error, you might give some needless information that may cause your rejection.

7.            Be courteous, do not dispute and do not ask needless or unrelated questions. Do not needlessly make your responses complicated as this might not work in your favor.

8.            Show admiration in your language even if you don't feel this is being shared.

9.            Over and over again you might not understand what the interviewing officer is saying as a consequence of his/her Native American pronunciation and/or the microphone system. If you do not identify with one of their sentences do not feel frightened to say, 'beg your pardon; I did not identify with you.' If he/she repeats the query and you still do not recognize, that is not a problem, do not fright. Peacefully and confidently say, sorry sir/madam. I still did not understand you. Could you compassionately repeat what you said?

10.          If you are acquainted with English and can understand and speak easily, it is preferable to have the interview in the English so that you and consular officer can recognize the each other. Interpreters make a mess sometimes.

11.          Consular officers are very well-groomed in their line of work. They can work out true intentions of applicants the majority of the times since of their training and experience. Some of them also might know regional languages of your country.


  1. My brother is living in the USA. Can i get the visitor visa if he sponsor me?

  2. I am 25 years old. Please advise me

  3. Its difficult to convince the visa officer in this age. Although you can get visit visa by showing strong ties with you native country
