PR of Canada under AEO

Current developments in AEO (Arranged Employment Offer) give the right you to a work permit or permanent residency in Canada, if you have a job offer from a likely employer in Canada.

Federal Skilled Worker Program of Canada entitles a person to get a permanent resident visa, if he has a permanent employment offer from a Canadian employer even though he has no experience in one of the 29 entitled professions. This employment offer has to be for a skilled position (skill level A, B, or O).

You can meet the criteria for Arranged Employment by two means. You must bag an Arranged Employment Opinion that is a job offer that has been legitimated by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).

HRSDC is the government department that review the position assigned concerning the line of work, the wage the foreign worker will be paid and the working situation. HRSDC is also concerned with confirmation of job offer and its nature that whether it is permanent, full-time or not.

Or else you should have a suitable work permit and presently working in Canada. Your work permit should be suitable at the time of documents and until the endorsement and assigning of permanent resident visa. Here you will require satisfying the clause of permanent, full-time employment offer from a Canadian employer.

Good News for Prospective Immigrants:
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) has recently announced that it will be expediting the AEO procedures so that applications can be processed inside a time of weeks opposing to months.

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