Crackdown against Fake Advisers of UK Immigration

The government of the UK is going to act tough against the immigration advisors found blameworthy of mistreatment the UK immigration system. The government has announced its tactics of reviewing the UK immigration system for rule of immigration consultants in the state so as to remove growing menace of system abuse in the past.

Giving details concerning the UK government’s strategy, Theresa May, the UK Home Secretary said the present regulatory body will either get dismiss or will be merged with some other government body.

As of now, the immigration advisors in the UK are accountable to the OISC (Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.

The announcement about the crackdown on the UK immigration system comes in the wake up of a fresh report by a news publication stating that the present system was allowing simple right of entry to dishonest advisors in the UK to deceive increased figure of migrants wanting to come to the UK.

The report pointed out to the case of a registered immigration advisor who was permissible to practice as an adviser in spite of facing a police inquiry. Ms. May said that those found to be breach the law will be banned from practicing as immigration advisers.

The aim of the plan initiated by Jack Straw, the Labor Home Secretary, in the year 1999 so as to make the immigration guidance less expensive than the fees of a lawyer.

Becoming a K immigration advisor seems to have turned out to be much easier than becoming a solicitor. So as to become an immigration consultant, you don’t need to have any university degrees, or experience a couple of years of on-the-job training. You just require clearing a couple of online multiple choice tests, a post program concerning the rudiments of laws of immigration and undertake a check from Criminal Records Bureau.

No wonder, the UK has around 4,000 registered lawful immigration advisors. The indifference of the authoritarian body of immigration advisors in the UK-OISC- is that it is not certified to issue suspension orders for the advisors undergoing police investigation for involvement in criminal activities.

Therefore, the new UK government is now committed to stopping such activities of immigration advisors in the UK to restrain immigration crime, an executive spokesperson of UK Home Office declared.

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