More and More Jamaicans Required in Canada

Currently, Canada is experiencing revival from global recession in the past and in need of more and more labor force. Jamaicans are the favourite community in Canada and more than 1000 Jamaicans are to be recruited for jobs in Canada by the end of 2010. A lot of skilled construction workers already have been recruited and are predictable to leave for British Columbia in the next couple of months, at the same time as the Ministry will be establishing a relationship office in the province. In addition to these areas, Canada is also interested in recruiting practical registered nurses to work in the health sector.

While Jamaicans have, over the years, have been employed to work in the provinces of Ontario, Montreal, Quebec and New Brunswick on the agricultural programme, this is the foremost time that workers are being requested for the hospitality and construction sectors.


  1. I am a jamaican and want to immigrate to canada. What is the procedure?

  2. I am a jamaican and want to immigrate to canada. What is the procedure?
