Immigration Problems for UK

The UK administration during elections had dedicated to decrease the net immigration from the present 200,000 to tens of thousands per year. The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) made available the report on 18th November 2010 on the agreed level in non-EU skilled immigration to the government. The report highlights the enormous task ahead of the government with a promise like this.

MAC has not in a straight line stated the merits of this strategy of the government though; they do admit the high figure of queries sent to their discussion in this regard. They take delivery of on an average around 400 responses expressing the anxiety over reducing migration and how the government is actually planning to put it into practice.

It is said that to reach an objective of 50,000 migrants, the non-EU net immigration has to drop by 146,000 by the end of the parliamentary session. BBC reported that to attain the current goal on capping overall immigration, the non-EU migration has to hang anywhere between 13%-25%. To attain the overall goal, this lessening should not only be forced to the upcoming years 2011-12 but, be functional for the next four years for the net immigration of the skilled migrants to drop down by 50%, and most possible reach 100% by the year 2015.

MAC says that to attain the goals on capping the overall immigration to the levels committed by the government, would not take place only by stopping the non-EU skilled immigration. To acquire the immigration numbers to tens of thousands the student and family categories must also face reduction.

Managing these issues is a big difficulty for the government. This relocation reduction could hoist many social, economical and caring connected questions. It is pleasant that the government is planning to speak to the public concern on the high numbers of largely immigration. Though, the policy of the government must be sensible and more rational. Such promises could have a harmful influence on businesses, public services, technology and arts.

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