Disadvantages for US Economy Due to Immigration From Mexico

These days, Illegal Immigration is a controversial topic in the United States. Even though the nation welcomed immigrants throughout its determining years, radical boost in immigration from Mexico have caused anxiety that the arrival of immigrants could harmfully affect the U.S. economy. There are confirmed benefits to Mexican immigration to the U.S.; on the other hand, more than a few negative effects have been documented as well.

Following are the disadvantages to the US economy due to bulk of immigration from Mexico:

1. Poverty:
In keeping with a report organized by the non-partisan Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), enlarged immigration from Mexico add to the unskilled labor pool, which comprise Americans with less than a high school education. As an economic principle, when the work supply boost, wages are reduced. The shock of inexpert production costs has negligible effect on consumer prices, so at the same time as consumer costs are steady, the figure of workers earning lesser incomes increases. The inhabitants of the working deprived increases considerably due to Mexican immigration, as said by CIS.

2. Reduction in Domestic Spending:
Both legal and illegal Mexican immigrants in the U.S. frequently send a part of their salary to their families in Mexico. In keeping with the Migration Policy Institute, a remittance (money earned in the U.S. and sent to Mexico) is Mexico's third main earnings source, accounting for six to eight billion dollars yearly. These payments are not spent in the U.S., resulting in a decrease to domestic consumer spending.

3. More Burden on Social Programs:
Because of Mexican immigrants' earnings levels, they have superior use of social programs, for instance Medicaid, food stamps or rent financial support programs than native-born Americans, consistent with CIS research. Program use is approx 10 percent high with Mexican immigrants than native-born Americans.

CIS studies furthermore show that Mexican immigrant family circle are often larger due to a high fertility rate, so payments for these programs are usually higher than standard. At the same time as a lot of of these programs need employment and legal immigration position to qualify, the low income level of legal immigrants does not let for much to be paid into the system, resulting in an inequity for higher-paid American workers.


  1. I think legal process of moving to USA for mexicans is very complex. so most are thinking to move through arizona desert

  2. Is not that we really want to go to the USA is that we have a family and we have to fight for their future and for have a better opportunities in our life . You will do the same for your family ?
