Strategic Initiatives Stream of Manitoba PNP | Manitoba PNP

In the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program’s Strategic Initiatives stream, the province of Manitoba run to meet the objectives of the CMIA (Canadian Manitoba Immigration Agreement) by hiring foreign skilled workers to go into the province and fill up the work positions in Manitoba, thus meeting the needs of the employment market. Foreign nationals are entitled to file petitions with the MPIP through the Strategic Initiatives stream if;

•They have acknowledged an invitation letter to submit an application as part of a Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program targeted promotional plan; OR
•They have been preferential by a Manitoba-based ethnic/cultural group or a regional economic development body which will help you in arranging an preliminary visit (pre-approved by the MPNP) to the province; OR
•An mature dependent relative of a MPNP nominee who does not qualify of a entitled accompanying dependant can also be fit for the Strategic Initiatives stream, given he/she proves his/her financial ability to put up in the province and will take delivery of assistance from the nominee in establishing himself/herself in Manitoba.

Below are the essential criteria that all the Strategic Initiatives stream applicants require to meet:
•Applicants should have skill in English or French language so that they can be employed in the Canadian province.
•Applicants are required to have the purpose, as well ability to establish themselves in Manitoba based on their employability and resolution supports.
•Applicants are required to have the educational qualifications in addition to the training as described by the terms of a precise initiative. Though, the applicants must have completed high school.
•Applicants must show their employability to be working in the province of Manitoba. They must have the work experience.

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