The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

The much anticipated 21st Winter Olympics commenced with all its magnificence and enthusiasm on 12th February 2010! Some astonishing facts about this Olympics are that a number of of the venues like the Richmond Olympic Oval are situated at the sea level, which makes it peculiarity, or one can say individuality for the Winter Olympics.

Till now, that is as on this gorgeous Valentine’s Day, U.S. has been leading the award count, followed by Korea and Netherlands in that order. But as it’s all about surprises and enthusiasm, one can by no means judge out as to which country would increase the first point at the very next instant! That’s what makes the Winter Olympics one of the most beguiling events in the middle of other sports occurrences.

Other newest news pieces coming in as the crow flies from the venue are U.S. Skier Hannah Kearney got the primary gold medal for the country. Also, Shannon Bahrke, another time from the U.S. managed to grab the bronze, while Jennifer Heil, the Canadian star got the silver medal.

In addition, there are a lot of exciting players to watch out for this Olympics. Some of them are Abbott Jeremy, Figure Skating, United States; K. P. Keshavan Shiva, Luge, India; Achi Ghassan, Alpine Skiing, Lebanon; Agosto Benjamin, Figure Skating, United States; Notz Jedrij, Alpine Skiing, Azerbaijan and Nkrumah-Acheampong Kwame, and Alpine Skiing.

The Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) would be put in order the Olympic and Paralympics Games. This is just the starting guys! Stay tuned for more exciting posts on the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010!

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