Canada wants more Indian students to in Canadian colleges

The reception rate for Indian students approaching to study at a group of Canadian colleges has doubled. This is due to a new program between Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC).

A combined pilot project called the Student Partners Program was started in April 2009 linking Canada’s visa offices in India and twenty member colleges of the ACCC. The objective of the program is to boost the approval speed for study permit applications at contributing Canadian colleges.

The Student Partners Program has resulted in a boost in the figure of Indian students on campuses of Canadian Colleges. International students carry with them new ideas and experiences and give both financially and ethnically to the communities and institutions where they learn.

The total figure of global students in Canada has more than twice since 1998 to 178,000 and their existence provided job for over 83,000 Canadians last year. A 2009 study specially made by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada found worldwide students contributed more than $6.5 billion to the Canadian economy in 2008.

This type of program benefits both students as well as Canada. These graduates may stay in Canada and apply to immigrate under the Canada Experience Class. They would make Canada their home and carry on to contribute to Canada’s social and economic fabric.

Canada’s network of community colleges offers a lot of wonderful programs to train young Canadians and their corresponding person from around the world for the opportunities of today's financial system.

The Government of Canada will carry on to look at ways to give confidence international students to study in Canada.

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