China to Canada Immigration

Canadians of Chinese origin compose the largest non-European cultural origin in Canada. In actual fact, the Chinese community is the 5th biggest of any ethnic origin in Canada other than English or French. In 2001, there just over one million populace of Chinese origin living in Canada. That year, they represented around 4% of the total Canadian population.

The Chinese community in Canada is also growing significantly faster than the overall population. Between 1996 and 2001, for instance, the figure of people who said they had Chinese origin rose by 19%, while the on the whole population grew by 4%. Consequently, the proportion of Canadians of Chinese origin increased from 3% to 4% of the total inhabitants of the total population in this period.

The large majority of people in Canada of Chinese foundation say they only have Chinese origins. In 2001, 86% of all those who reported Chinese origin said they had only Chinese roots, at the same time as 14% said they also had other ethnic origins. On the contrary, almost 40% of the general Canadian population has multiple ethnic origins.

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