Canada declare support for Canadian Council of Muslim Women

Muslim youth in Canada will have the chance to contribute in two projects that will help address issues around prejudice and promote cross-cultural sympathies, thanks to support from the Canadian Government.

These two projects were announced by Canadian Minister of State (Status of Women) Helena Guergis and Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. They are being synchronized by the Canadian Council of Muslim Women.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada will give $441,000 for a plan called “MY CANADA.” It gives Muslim youth crosswise Canada the chance to contribute in activities such as multi-faith sessions for Muslim and non-Muslim youth in community centers and schools to teach peace building and inter-cultural conversation and clash resolution skills. It also encourage integration and active participation of Muslims in Canadian society.

Standing of Women Canada will give $314,000 for a project called “Being a Canadian Muslim Woman in the 21st Century.” It will center on preparing young Muslim women in Canada to lead and participate in a number of workshops with their educators and non-Muslim and male peers to discuss violence, discrimination, and human rights.

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